Thank you to the 76 Associates that participated in June’s Detroit Chassis Associate Engagement Survey and to those that participated from DCA. All of the responses from DCA were positive and reflect that Associates feel safe while at work, and have the required PPE to perform. Responses from more of the Associates at both locations is necessary to get more of an accurate assessment.
Associates, your continued feedback is vital in helping Detroit Chassis better understand your perspective on the Safety measures relating to COVID-19. There is still more to do.
Here is a summary of the survey responses received.
1. More than 50% of Associates responded YES to Question # One – Over the past week, DCP has demonstrated that they care about me and my well-being, and I feel safe working here.
2. Question 2: 62% believe DCP is doing a GOOD job of preventing sick people from entering the building.
3. Question 3: 52% would feel very CONFIDENT about the safety of a loved one (son, daughter, sister, brother, or best friend) working for DCP.
4. Question 4: 30% strongly AGREE; 30% agree; 10% somewhat agree that if asked, they would tell their friends and family that DC’s top priority is providing a safe work environment.
5. Question 5: 95% responded YES, they received every piece of PPE that they felt was needed and requested (such as masks, etc.).
6. Question 6: 42% strongly AGREE; 40 agree, 7% somewhat agree that they understand and follow the new social distancing rules at DC, such as keeping at least 6 feet of distance between themselves and another Associate.
7. Question 7: 97% responded YES, they have convenient access to a sink or station to wash hands and use hand sanitizer.
8. Question 8: Nearly 60% responded YES, they would not come to work if they were feeling symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, unexplained tiredness): 40% responded NO. Michael Guthrie pointed out that answering this question is confusing. This question will get revised for clearer understanding.
9. Question 9: 65% responded YES, the information DCP shared before returning to work (mailing, texts, and calls) was helpful, and they knew what to expect when they returned.
10. Question 10: What recommendations do you have to help DC learn more about what it can do for your health and safety and the health and safety of your family members? MANY suggestions were provided, along with comments on the actions taken by DC to protect Associates.
Thank you for your candid feedback—the joint UAW and Mgmt. Health and Safety committee is working to strengthen Safety protocols now that the team can meet regularly. Based on the feedback received and in the spirit of continuous improvement, cleaning protocols are getting enhanced.
Stay tuned for the next survey later this month.

DCA Associates at the Town Hall Meeting Friday, June 26, 2020
David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, welcomed 24 new hires at June’s Town Hall meeting at Detroit Chassis Avon in Avon Lake, Ohio. He thanked UAW Local 2000 members for assisting in training and preparation of the new Associates for the start of the second shift. He is encouraged by the teamwork displayed and let every member know they are valuable. “Having you on the team makes a difference.” David Forney, Interim Plant Manager
Congratulations Durrell Brooks, Production Associate, who won a Makita Tool Bag during the general raffle. Al Brown, UAW Team Member, also won a $ 25 Gift Card from Meijer’s.
David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, reported that 94% of the workforce is still going strong following the COVID-19 pandemic and that there have been no cases of COVID-19 identified at DCA since the return to production.
The team continues to have their temperatures taken upon entering the building and certify they are not experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19. Associates practice wearing required masks as part of daily PPE, frequent hand washing, and social distancing.
Reposted from Facebook