DC Advisor: August 7th, 2020


Detroit Chassis continues to follow the guidelines and protocols set forth by the (CDC) Center of Disease Control and Prevention. Temperature scans and self-certification is mandatory for all who enter the facility. All are required to wear face mask, glasses or face shields.

Proper social distancing protocols are enforced, and all suspect areas of concern are immediately disinfected and sanitized. (Note: DCP has acquired a disinfecting fogger to aid in the sanitation of tooling and work areas)

Since May of 2020:

Five Associates tested positive for COVID-19
16 Associates were quarantined as symptomatic
41 Associates were quarantined under Contact Tracing

Amid the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic great things are occurring Detroit Chassis and we are proud to acknowledge the efforts of team members that push past mediocracy to excel in performing and accomplishing tasks.

Greg Scott and Jeff Hawkins, Quality Technicians are two Associates with outstanding performance managing the C2 Gate. They identify all of the issues from the Steering Column Build area, C2 and the Sub-assembly areas, and diligently provide thorough inspections leading to correct and complete resolution.

Shawn Duff at 6’6” towers above the rest of us, but he has a kind demeanor, fights for fairness, is dedicated, focused, loyal and yet humble, so it is no surprise to me that he received his fourth promotion to Production Leader effective Monday, July 17, 2020.

Shawn Duff, Production Leader, Detroit Chassis

Shawn began his career with Detroit Chassis in March of 2000 as a production Associate. His first job was decking the Birdcage on the C2 line. He quickly advanced to assembling the Birdcage and became interested in learning other operations throughout the production process. Shawn eventually learned most if not all of the assembly operations throughout the entire process.

He was promoted to Team Leader in 2014, Product Specialist in 2019, Quality Operating System Coordinator (QOSC) earlier this year; and now Production Leader. Shawn was given the opportunity to apply for this position because of his outstanding contributions during the 2020MY Launch and for the support he provided to the production line in his role as QOS Coordinator.

He is grateful for this promotion and he looks forward to continual growth at DC. When asked what advice he offers to new hires this was his response, “Start off by learning your job well. Become proficient in your area then reach out and courageously take on new assignments in the surrounding areas. Be willing to take counsel and learn from others with more experience and remain open to direction from leaders because it will improve your work performance.”

Great job, Greg and Jeff and Congratulations Shawn!


Friday, July 31, 2020, DCA achieved 500 days without an OSHA Recordable injury and 500 Days without a Lost Time Incident with a Celebration Lunch.

Attendees enjoyed the following Menu:

• Lime Chicken & cheese Quesadillas
• Chicken Street Tacos with Sour Cream, Pico de Gallo and Hot Sauce
• Spanish Rice & Beans
• Plantains stuffed with Chicken & Pico de Gallo

Everyone had a great time and was thankful for the extra time added to the lunch period that allowed them to enjoy the tasty feast.


David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, reported that there are no cases of COVID-19 identified at DCA since the return to production.

The team continues to have their temperatures taken upon entering the building and certify they are not experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19. Associates practice wearing required masks as part of daily PPE, frequent hand washing, and social distancing.


Jermaine Ross Production Supervisor First Shift, David Forney, Interim Plant Manager and Maurice Carroll.

Maurice Carroll, H567 TWA ILVS Rack Out Position – First Shift, became a member of the DCA team in November of 2018.

Maurice Carroll went above and beyond his duties when he identified a rack of tires from second shift that sat for a long time with one missing tire. Maurice elevated the issue to his supervisor and it was immediately resolved.

Great Job Maurice!

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