DC Advisor: August 7th, 2020

DC Advisor: August 7th, 2020


Detroit Chassis continues to follow the guidelines and protocols set forth by the (CDC) Center of Disease Control and Prevention. Temperature scans and self-certification is mandatory for all who enter the facility. All are required to wear face mask, glasses or face shields.

Proper social distancing protocols are enforced, and all suspect areas of concern are immediately disinfected and sanitized. (Note: DCP has acquired a disinfecting fogger to aid in the sanitation of tooling and work areas)

Since May of 2020:

Five Associates tested positive for COVID-19
16 Associates were quarantined as symptomatic
41 Associates were quarantined under Contact Tracing

Amid the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic great things are occurring Detroit Chassis and we are proud to acknowledge the efforts of team members that push past mediocracy to excel in performing and accomplishing tasks.

Greg Scott and Jeff Hawkins, Quality Technicians are two Associates with outstanding performance managing the C2 Gate. They identify all of the issues from the Steering Column Build area, C2 and the Sub-assembly areas, and diligently provide thorough inspections leading to correct and complete resolution.

Shawn Duff at 6’6” towers above the rest of us, but he has a kind demeanor, fights for fairness, is dedicated, focused, loyal and yet humble, so it is no surprise to me that he received his fourth promotion to Production Leader effective Monday, July 17, 2020.

Shawn Duff, Production Leader, Detroit Chassis

Shawn began his career with Detroit Chassis in March of 2000 as a production Associate. His first job was decking the Birdcage on the C2 line. He quickly advanced to assembling the Birdcage and became interested in learning other operations throughout the production process. Shawn eventually learned most if not all of the assembly operations throughout the entire process.

He was promoted to Team Leader in 2014, Product Specialist in 2019, Quality Operating System Coordinator (QOSC) earlier this year; and now Production Leader. Shawn was given the opportunity to apply for this position because of his outstanding contributions during the 2020MY Launch and for the support he provided to the production line in his role as QOS Coordinator.

He is grateful for this promotion and he looks forward to continual growth at DC. When asked what advice he offers to new hires this was his response, “Start off by learning your job well. Become proficient in your area then reach out and courageously take on new assignments in the surrounding areas. Be willing to take counsel and learn from others with more experience and remain open to direction from leaders because it will improve your work performance.”

Great job, Greg and Jeff and Congratulations Shawn!


Friday, July 31, 2020, DCA achieved 500 days without an OSHA Recordable injury and 500 Days without a Lost Time Incident with a Celebration Lunch.

Attendees enjoyed the following Menu:

• Lime Chicken & cheese Quesadillas
• Chicken Street Tacos with Sour Cream, Pico de Gallo and Hot Sauce
• Spanish Rice & Beans
• Plantains stuffed with Chicken & Pico de Gallo

Everyone had a great time and was thankful for the extra time added to the lunch period that allowed them to enjoy the tasty feast.


David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, reported that there are no cases of COVID-19 identified at DCA since the return to production.

The team continues to have their temperatures taken upon entering the building and certify they are not experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19. Associates practice wearing required masks as part of daily PPE, frequent hand washing, and social distancing.


Jermaine Ross Production Supervisor First Shift, David Forney, Interim Plant Manager and Maurice Carroll.

Maurice Carroll, H567 TWA ILVS Rack Out Position – First Shift, became a member of the DCA team in November of 2018.

Maurice Carroll went above and beyond his duties when he identified a rack of tires from second shift that sat for a long time with one missing tire. Maurice elevated the issue to his supervisor and it was immediately resolved.

Great Job Maurice!

DC Advisor: August 5th, 2020

DC Advisor: August 5th, 2020



Thank you to the 76 Associates that participated in June’s Detroit Chassis Associate Engagement Survey and to those that participated from DCA. All of the responses from DCA were positive and reflect that Associates feel safe while at work, and have the required PPE to perform. Responses from more of the Associates at both locations is necessary to get more of an accurate assessment.

Associates, your continued feedback is vital in helping Detroit Chassis better understand your perspective on the Safety measures relating to COVID-19. There is still more to do.

Here is a summary of the survey responses received.

1. More than 50% of Associates responded YES to Question # One – Over the past week, DCP has demonstrated that they care about me and my well-being, and I feel safe working here.

2. Question 2: 62% believe DCP is doing a GOOD job of preventing sick people from entering the building.

3. Question 3: 52% would feel very CONFIDENT about the safety of a loved one (son, daughter, sister, brother, or best friend) working for DCP.

4. Question 4: 30% strongly AGREE; 30% agree; 10% somewhat agree that if asked, they would tell their friends and family that DC’s top priority is providing a safe work environment.

5. Question 5: 95% responded YES, they received every piece of PPE that they felt was needed and requested (such as masks, etc.).

6. Question 6: 42% strongly AGREE; 40 agree, 7% somewhat agree that they understand and follow the new social distancing rules at DC, such as keeping at least 6 feet of distance between themselves and another Associate.

7. Question 7: 97% responded YES, they have convenient access to a sink or station to wash hands and use hand sanitizer.

8. Question 8: Nearly 60% responded YES, they would not come to work if they were feeling symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, unexplained tiredness): 40% responded NO. Michael Guthrie pointed out that answering this question is confusing. This question will get revised for clearer understanding.

9. Question 9: 65% responded YES, the information DCP shared before returning to work (mailing, texts, and calls) was helpful, and they knew what to expect when they returned.

10. Question 10: What recommendations do you have to help DC learn more about what it can do for your health and safety and the health and safety of your family members? MANY suggestions were provided, along with comments on the actions taken by DC to protect Associates.

Thank you for your candid feedback—the joint UAW and Mgmt. Health and Safety committee is working to strengthen Safety protocols now that the team can meet regularly. Based on the feedback received and in the spirit of continuous improvement, cleaning protocols are getting enhanced.
Stay tuned for the next survey later this month.

DCA Associates at the Town Hall Meeting Friday, June 26, 2020


David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, welcomed 24 new hires at June’s Town Hall meeting at Detroit Chassis Avon in Avon Lake, Ohio. He thanked UAW Local 2000 members for assisting in training and preparation of the new Associates for the start of the second shift. He is encouraged by the teamwork displayed and let every member know they are valuable. “Having you on the team makes a difference.” David Forney, Interim Plant Manager

Congratulations Durrell Brooks, Production Associate, who won a Makita Tool Bag during the general raffle. Al Brown, UAW Team Member, also won a $ 25 Gift Card from Meijer’s.


David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, reported that 94% of the workforce is still going strong following the COVID-19 pandemic and that there have been no cases of COVID-19 identified at DCA since the return to production.

The team continues to have their temperatures taken upon entering the building and certify they are not experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19. Associates practice wearing required masks as part of daily PPE, frequent hand washing, and social distancing.


Reposted from Facebook

DC Advisor: June 19th, 2020

DC Advisor: June 19th, 2020

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Michael Hinton, Toya Jones, Sakina Goodman, Toni Siders, Edwina Milligan, Shana Smith and Andre Humes

Kudos to the team for extraordinary efforts in getting Associates back to work. Detroit Chassis, like many companies, was challenged and tasked with gaining momentum and reopening after Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced her approval for companies to return to production.

The struggle was real and known by our customers. Senior leaders within Ford Motor Company were aware and wanted daily updates on the team’s plan to progress. The plan involved retaining and motivating Associates, and by helping them to understand the vital role that each Associate plays in the production process.

The DC team coached and counseled Associates on new protocols, social distancing, and communicated openly regarding COVID-19 at the plant.

Production Associates embraced this approach and appreciated the enhancements to the Personal Protective Equipment policy.

Since the return to regular production, there has been one case identified and, the team responded immediately by implementing protocols to address the Associate with care, performing contact tracing, and limiting the spread. A new App is now used for Associates to self-certify each morning electronically and this reduces the amount of time it takes to complete the entry process daily.

They say, “When times get tough, the tough get going.” Well, that has never been truer anywhere than it is here at Detroit Chassis! I’m so grateful to be a part of such an amazing family of co-workers. The COVID-19 pandemic hit our community, especially hard and when we returned to work very much shorthanded. I watched with amazement as DCP Associates pitched in to cover two or three and even four jobs each to protect our promise of delivering customer joy!!

The team showed an unbelievable fight to accomplish what MOST places would have deemed impossible! Thirteen units were built with more than 60% of our workforce unavailable! With our business at risk and our customers hurting for our product, Human Capital, Human Resources, and the UAW teamed into action collectively working together to save the business!

“There were early morning and late-night conference calls, and seven-day workweeks to begin to build the team back up. I’m so thankful to them all.”

“As a result of their efforts, and a ‘win-at-all-cost-attitude’ from our entire company, more than 70 referrals have been received by DCP Associates! That Detroit fighting spirit fuels me and makes me feel so very fortunate to be a part of the DCP family.”

“We still have much to do, but there is no doubt that this team is more than up to the challenge of getting back to full strength and delivering on our promise of 100% Customer Joy! We are still accepting referrals and still improving daily as the chart below shows. Let’s keep the momentum going DCP! Ain’t no stopping us now, we’re on the move!”

Philip White
Plant Manager – Detroit Chassis Plant[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”container”][vc_column][vc_column_text]


  • Detroit Chassis has been busy making enhancements to the quality operating system.
  • Additional Quality Gate Inspectors were added to the process along with additional torque operators using the latest technology in the industry for auditing torque. Staffing in this area increased by 500%.
  • A Manufacturing Excellence System (MES) has been added to the I-Shaft installation process.
  • A Batch-and-hold 24-hour process is now in place so that any issues identified can get addressed before units ship to improve customer satisfaction.
  • An MES is planned for Rear Axles in July 2020. It will:
    • Ensure there are no leaks and that fluid volume is correct.
    • Confirm all of the correct parts were used and verify torque.
    • Axles will not pass this station if there is an issue.

Plans include installing a larger scale of MES throughout the plant at all delta critical stations.

“There is a proverb in Scripture which says ‘A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his words.’ In other words, we need to put in action what we say to reap the benefits. I am excited to say that there are additional quality actions that are taking place now and ones planned for the future that will reap benefits for DCP, Ford, and our customers.”

David Taylor
VP Engineering – Detroit Chassis Plant

Associates preparing items for packaging in the newly designed dunnage box preparation area.



Tony Rollison, UAW Local 200 Steward/Materials Handler, Chino Gonzales, Maintenance Technician, Jim Henson, Engineering Manager and David Forney, Interim Plant Manager

Detroit Chassis Avon awarded Agueybano “Chino” Gonzalez, Maintenance Technician, the Employee of the Month recognition for June 2020. Chino was recognized earlier this month at a Town Hall meeting. He received a $25 Gift Card for having demonstrated an excellent quality of work along with a stellar attitude.

He has been with Detroit Chassis since August 03, 2015, and is currently the only Maintenance Technician. He worked to keep Detroit Chassis Avon, functioning, since the return to production from the mandated COVID-19 Pandemic shut-down by Governor Mike DeWine.

Agueybano “Chino” Gonzalez Maintenance Technician

THANK YOU, to Chino Gonzalez, from the UAW Local 2000 and the Detroit Chassis Leadership team.

Keep up the good work!


David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, reported that 94% of the workforce returned following the COVID-19 pandemic and that there have been no cases of COVID-19 identified at DCA since the return to production.

The team continues to practice the wearing of masks, social distancing and frequent hand washing to help combat the spread of the disease.

All Associates have their temperatures taken upon entering the building each day and certify they are not experiencing any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19.


The plant will start second-shift production Monday, June 22, 2020, to meet increased customer demand. We added 24 new Associates who will complete training on the first-shift before assignment to the second. Both shifts will run Monday – Thursday until further notice.

Forward questions to dforney@detroitchassis.com.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


DPS Corona Resource Page – Food pickup sites, academic information, and Corona positive cases through DPS schools
DPS Resource Page

City of Detroit COVID 313 – Resources for families including utility relief, free Wi-fi, housing, and more

Scholly – $200 cash assistance for families with students
SC holly Application Page

Pantry.Net – Food Pantry locator

Forgotten Harvest – Food resources & appointments
Forgotten Harvest Website

Gleaners Community Food Bank – Food resources & place to donate for those in need
Gleaners Website

Detroit Food Updates – Updates on your favorite restaurants’ hours & operation during COVID – 19
Detroit Food Website

Great Start Wayne – Daily food pantry & warm meal updates for the homeless and those in need
GSW Website

Eater Detroit – List of grocery stores that offer curbside pickup and delivery in Detroit
Eater Detroit

Michigan Bridges – Food delivery or meals for those who are older than 60
Michigan Bridges


We offer confidential guidance and resources for you or an immediate household family member.

  • In-person help with short-term issues; up to four* sessions per person, per issue, per year
  • Toll-free phone and web access 24/7
  • Unlimited phone access to legal, financial and work-life services
  • A 25% discount on in-person consultations with network lawyers
  • Financial consultations and referrals
  • Work/life services care, finding movers, kennels and pet care, vacation planning, and more.

To learn more about the Lincoln Financial Employee Connect program, visit www.Lincoln4Benefits.com or www.GuidanceResources.com  (user name = LFGsupport; password = LFGsupport1)
Or talk with a specialist at 888-628-4824.

EmployeeConnect SM services are provided by ComPsych® Corporation, Chicago, IL.

ComPsych® is not a Lincoln Financial Group® company. Coverage is subject to actual contract language. Each independent company is solely responsible for its own obligations. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. Affiliates are separately responsible for their own financial and contractual obligations.

©2013 Lincoln National Corporation
BP 10/13 Z04
Order code: GP-EMPCO-SJM001

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DC Advisor: May 26th, 2020

DC Advisor: May 26th, 2020

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CDP building entry check-in area


There is one confirmed case of Covid-19 at Detroit Chassis (DCP). The Associate works in the Birdcage area. In response, the work area and all common areas were cleaned and sanitized according to CDC guidelines.

You can see, while looking around the plant that DCP, has changed a lot, including many protocols, policies, and procedures as it relates to the Safety and well-being of our Associates.

There have been many provisions made to both the plant floor and the offices. Some include:
• The addition of an on-site nurse
• A designated isolation room
• State-of-the-art no-touch temperature screening used by all Ford Motor Company plants
• Free unlimited Covid-19 testing at the State Fairgrounds

DCA entrance area

DCP is looking to hire 60 new Associates to ensure that we have the required number to run production and is diligently working with the UAW to ensure that we continue to improve the effectiveness of our protocols.


Associates were ready to get started and demonstrated a positive demeanor while working with enthusiasm as they reached production each day. Associates became quickly acclimated to new protocols for entering the building and working Safe while practicing social distancing.

David Forney, Interim Plant Manager, stated that 93% of the Associates returned to work at DCA. Associates are warmly received daily.

The entire shift enjoyed free lunch Thursday, May 21, 2020, in celebration of a successful week of production, no injuries, and no significant quality issues all without overtime.


Mike Russick, Quinton Harris and Justin Renisoff, Maintenance Technicians, DCP

The leadership team would like to express gratitude to three exceptional maintenance technicians who aided in all of the efforts to make Detroit Chassis Safer for all of us; Justin Renisoff, Mike Russick, and Quinton Harris. These activities include:

  • Cleaning production area fans
  • Installing foot-operated door openers
  • Installing touchless faucets on sinks throughout
  • Fabrication and installation of the partitions in all of the restrooms

All of these efforts were performed while many of us were in the Safety of our homes. Despite quarantine orders, these three gentlemen understood that their actions were critical to the successful re-opening of DCP. They committed to having these safety defenses in place before startup. Their hard work has not gone unnoticed.

Cleaning stations at DCA

Please join us in thanking the leadership team for all of their diligent efforts. They made this possible by working throughout the shut-down period.

Thank you, Justin, Mike, and Quinton, for your continued commitment to making DCP a Safer workplace, and thank you, Nurse Pilarski!

“I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with everyone at Detroit Chassis toward a Safe return to work. I commend all of the efforts put forth in taking all of the proper precautions to put the Safety and emotional well-being of the employees at the forefront during this unprecedented time. I could truly feel the care and concern and am proud to have been a part of it.” – Sue Pilarski RN


DPS Corona Resource Page – Food pickup sites, academic information, and Corona positive cases through DPS schools
DPS Resource Page

City of Detroit COVID 313 – Resources for families including utility relief, free Wi-fi, housing, and more

Scholly – $200 cash assistance for families with students
SC holly Application Page

Pantry.Net – Food Pantry locator

Forgotten Harvest – Food resources & appointments
Forgotten Harvest Website

Gleaners Community Food Bank – Food resources & place to donate for those in need
Gleaners Website

Detroit Food Updates – Updates on your favorite restaurants’ hours & operation during COVID – 19
Detroit Food Website

Great Start Wayne – Daily food pantry & warm meal updates for the homeless and those in need
GSW Website

Eater Detroit – List of grocery stores that offer curbside pickup and delivery in Detroit
Eater Detroit

Michigan Bridges – Food delivery or meals for those who are older than 60
Michigan Bridges


We offer confidential guidance and resources for you or an immediate household family member.

  • In-person help with short-term issues; up to four* sessions per person, per issue, per year
  • Toll-free phone and web access 24/7
  • Unlimited phone access to legal, financial and work-life services
  • A 25% discount on in-person consultations with network lawyers
  • Financial consultations and referrals
  • Work/life services care, finding movers, kennels and pet care, vacation planning, and more.

To learn more about the Lincoln Financial Employee Connect program, visit www.Lincoln4Benefits.com or www.GuidanceResources.com  (user name = LFGsupport; password = LFGsupport1)
Or talk with a specialist at 888-628-4824.

EmployeeConnect SM services are provided by ComPsych® Corporation, Chicago, IL.

ComPsych® is not a Lincoln Financial Group® company. Coverage is subject to actual contract language. Each independent company is solely responsible for its own obligations. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. Affiliates are separately responsible for their own financial and contractual obligations.

©2013 Lincoln National Corporation
BP 10/13 Z04
Order code: GP-EMPCO-SJM001[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

DC Advisor: May 15th, 2020

DC Advisor: May 15th, 2020

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An Associate having his temperature checked upon entering the building.

Last week several teleconference meetings were conducted with several UAW Associates to discuss our return to work plans. Great questions were raised and are listed below with corresponding answers.

  1. Are all Associates required to have a Covid-19 Coronavirus test before returning to work? If not, should this be required?
    No, testing is voluntary. Some associates are required to provide return-to-work notes from a doctor, however COVID-19 testing is not required.
  2. Will associates get penalized for calling in when sick and how will the Point System operate if Associates are encouraged to stay home when ill?
    Associates who qualify for additional assistance will not receive attendance points. You will still be required to call in if you are sick to help us plan staffing.
  3. Cleaning stations at DCA.

    Am I at risk of being laid-off again this week if I come in Monday, May 11, 2020?
    There is always the possibility we may run out of parts or something unforeseen will affect production.  Our Our plan is to run to our current schedule.

  4. What if I have a scheduled conflict the week of May 11, 2020, and need to work around my scheduled appointments?
    For the week of May 11th the company has agreed to make the necessary accommodations for associates. Starting May 18th we will return to a normal operating pattern and we will review situations on a case-by-case basis.
  5. Office work stations arranged so that associates are 6′ apart.

    What is being done to improve ventilation to ensure Associates can comfortably wear the added PPE considering summer temperatures?
    We have cleaned all 155 fans and have put them on a monthly preventive maintenance schedule to keep them functioning and from debris.  We are adding fan filters to collect particles in the air. We contracted with BAF to clean and provide proposals for keeping the temperature comfortable. Additional fans are on order.

  6. Can the company consider revising the PPE policy to alleviate bump caps in certain areas?
    The Joint Health & Safety Committee will evaluate areas where overhead hazards (hanging tools/equipment, do not exists and suggest possible changes to bump cap requirements to the Detroit Chassis Leadership Team.
  7. Floors marked for Social Distancing

    How will those tested for Covid-19 Coronavirus at the State Fair receive test results and are results confidential?
    Test results are provided directly to the associate by either phone or email, and results are confidential.

  8. How early can Associates arrive for work since they will need to exercise social distancing and have temperatures scanned upon entry?
    Associates that start at 7:00 AM can to enter the building at 6:00 AM
  9. Has the company considered any mental health support for Associates returning to work?
    Yes, Detroit Chassis offers confidential guidance and resources for the associate and their immediate household family members through our Lincoln Insurance benefit.
  10. PPE Distribution Area.

    Will the EAP program offer support to address mental health?
    Yes, these services are available through our Lincoln insurance benefit. Work/life services for assistance with child care is also available.

  11. What will Detroit Chassis do to help build morale?
    Detroit Chassis has established a PRT (Pandemic Response Team) specifically for Morale, comprised of both company and Union associates. We will implement several methods for improving morale. We welcome your suggestions too.
  12. What will be done in situations where Associates refuse to follow social distancing or wear required PPE?
    The company will strictly enforce PPE policy via coaching, counseling, and progressive discipline for everybody’s protection.
  13. A production area with protective plexiglas.

    How can I access or receive the Advisor publication directly?
    Send an email to lratliff@detroitchassis.com from the email address you want to receive Advisor publications. Advisor publications are also posted on Facebook, LinkedIn, and listed on the Detroit Chassis website on the Covid-19 Tab.   Associates will receive a notification call from the company as updates are published.

  14. Can lighting get added to the exterior of the building outside of the South dock?
    We have reached out to vendors to have this item quoted. Once the quotes are received, we will determine the feasibility and timing.
  15. Is the company going to install touchless urinals in the Men’s restrooms?
    We are getting quotes and timing. Once we have them we will procure them and get them installed. Every company is doing this, so getting them is the hard part.
  16. Am I required to wear gloves?
    Yes. Production gloves are still required for all processes. A Nitrile glove is required when you are cleaning various equipment and common touch points while using the chemical disinfection and/or bleach. Nitrile gloves will be available upon request for all associates.
  17. Inside the Detroit Chassis Main Entrance.

    How will DCP prevent cross-contamination since some tools are shared?
    Each station will have cleaning supplies (bleach and water disinfectant solution along with disposable paper towels) available for the operators to wipe down tools before, during, and after shift. In the stations where tools are shared, Nitrile gloves will be available to be worn under the standard work gloves to prevent cross-contamination. The Nitrile gloves can be obtained from the Team Leaders.

  18. How will DCP monitor to ensure those infected with Covid-19 Coronavirus are not at work?
    We will follow the Protocol as set forth in the Detroit Chassis COVID-19 Playbook, monitoring PPE usage, access control and social distancing.
  19. Can display screens and information centers get added to the South and West dock areas since the Materials team conducts meetings in these areas?
    Yes, Screens will be added along with information centers to the South and West Dock areas to ensure that important information reaches more Associates.
  20. Detroit Chassis aisle with added Stop Signs and posted speed limits.

    What changes have been done in the Materials Offices to comply with social distancing?
    The Materials offices were cleaned by an outside vendor that specializes in cleaning. Spacing between work stations has been increased to provide safe social distancing in accordance with new company guidelines.

  21. Will the established emergency exits and muster meeting stations change since everyone is expected to enter and exit through the main entrance? Or will this directive change in emergencies?
    Emergency exits will not change. You will utilize the nearest exit. However once you get to one of the two meeting points, which are at the overflow parking lot and the grass area behind rear dock, we will utilize Social Distancing guidelines; additional muster signs will be posted in each area as a guideline to spread out during assembly to maintain social distancing.
  22. Will areas designated for cell phone use get marked for safe social distancing?
    Yes, the area is marked and can contain a maximum of eight individuals.
  23. Will exterior smoking areas get marked for safe social distancing?
    Yes, we are receiving quotes for additional picnic tables and will designate a specific smoking area. Until then we will use the arm length method to ensure you are practicing social distancing while smoking.
  24. How will Associates with children address their need for daycare since the Governor extended the stay-home stay-safe order and many day care facilities are closed in compliance with the order?
    The Families First Coronavirus Response Act does not provide direct assistance for child care, but the Act does provide PTO for the associate due to child care concerns related to COVID-19. See your HR representative for more information.
  25. How will the company assist Associates with remaining hydrated considering the way ice and beverages have been dispensed?
    Employees will be given individual Sqwincher QwickServe Packs. We are also looking at high capacity water and ice dispensers.Additional questions will be published in the next issue.If you have a question that is not listed above, feel free to forward it to lratliff@detroitchassis.com.


Detroit Chassis is working to keep you safe from Covid-19 Coronavirus while at work. Several measures have been implemented for your protection, including additional PPE, cleaning stations, social distancing as much as possible, and Level 3 PPE where necessary.

It is highly essential to everyone’s safety that everyone wears the right PPE at all times.


DPS Corona Resource Page – Food pickup sites, academic information, and Corona positive cases through DPS schools
DPS Resource Page

City of Detroit COVID 313 – Resources for families including utility relief, free Wi-fi, housing, and more

Scholly – $200 cash assistance for families with students
SC holly Application Page

Pantry.Net – Food Pantry locator

Forgotten Harvest – Food resources & appointments
Forgotten Harvest Website

Gleaners Community Food Bank – Food resources & place to donate for those in need
Gleaners Website

Detroit Food Updates – Updates on your favorite restaurants’ hours & operation during COVID – 19
Detroit Food Website

Great Start Wayne – Daily food pantry & warm meal updates for the homeless and those in need
GSW Website

Eater Detroit – List of grocery stores that offer curbside pickup and delivery in Detroit
Eater Detroit

Michigan Bridges – Food delivery or meals for those who are older than 60
Michigan Bridges


We offer confidential guidance and resources for you or an immediate household family member.

  • In-person help with short-term issues; up to four* sessions per person, per issue, per year
  • Toll-free phone and web access 24/7
  • Unlimited phone access to legal, financial and work-life services
  • A 25% discount on in-person consultations with network lawyers
  • Financial consultations and referrals
  • Work/life services care, finding movers, kennels and pet care, vacation planning, and more.

To learn more about the Lincoln Financial Employee Connect program, visit www.Lincoln4Benefits.com or www.GuidanceResources.com  (user name = LFGsupport; password = LFGsupport1)
Or talk with a specialist at 888-628-4824.

EmployeeConnect SM services are provided by ComPsych® Corporation, Chicago, IL.

ComPsych® is not a Lincoln Financial Group® company. Coverage is subject to actual contract language. Each independent company is solely responsible for its own obligations. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. Affiliates are separately responsible for their own financial and contractual obligations.

©2013 Lincoln National Corporation
BP 10/13 Z04
Order code: GP-EMPCO-SJM001


DC Advisor: May 6th, 2020

DC Advisor: May 6th, 2020

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Have You Been Tested for Covid-19?

Detroit Chassis reached out to Mayor Duggan to accept his offer for FREE Covid-19 tests for our Associates. Testing is voluntary, but it is vital to help control the spread of the coronavirus. After receiving the announcement, Associates provided positive feedback and proceeded to get scheduled. I was one of them. Here is what you can do if you are a DCP Associate who wants to get tested.

Call 313-230-0505, select Option #4, and wait for the next available representative. You may experience a brief hold, but be patient. Someone will be with you soon.  Give the representative the authorization code provided, company name, your name, complete address, and cell number.    This information is required to schedule your test.

Once you get your appointment, put it on your calendar so that you do not forget. On the day of your appointment, go to the old Michigan State Fair Grounds at Woodward and 8 Mile Rd. and enter from the east State Fair Street entrance.

Keep your car window up and follow the directions of those directing traffic. Put your ID on the dash so that you can be verified and, when instructed, pull into the designated lane. The technician will write a number using soap on your window. My number was 287, so I assume that it was my number in line that day.

Upon pulling into the testing Bay, the technician will write your number and confirm your information so your sample can be appropriately labeled. You can relax a little and lower your window but keep your mask on.  Just adjust it below your nose.


Monday, May 18, 2020, is the designated day to resume production at Detroit Chassis. Team members will begin preparing the plant for the start of production the week of May 11, 2020. Associates can expect to receive confirmation of the plan this Friday, May 15, 2019.

Ford Motor Company was instrumental in assisting DCP with obtaining a Thermal Testing Station that can indicate if someone is at risk of having the virus upon entry. Elevated body temperature is a common symptom of the virus.

If the scanner detects a skin temperature of 97.7 degrees F or higher, the status on the computer display changes to a “red light,” and an alarm tone will sound.

A person with an elevated temperature will be asked to step out of line and given written instructions about following up with their health care provider.

People with elevated temperatures may not enter the plant past the checkpoint.

Volunteer health professionals administer the test. This person will approach the vehicle and explain what you can expect while handing you the written instructions on how to retrieve test results.

I was instructed to breathe in through my nostrils and breathe out of my mouth while a testing swab was inserted deeply into my nostril. And that was it! The test was complete on my end, except the sample was labeled and sealed by the volunteer. I removed my ID from the dash and put it back in my wallet.

The instruction sheet handed to me provided a website that encouraged me to create a profile. I followed the process. My test results were available electronically within 24-48 hours. They were able to get downloaded for my storage and retrieval, but those that prefer to get results by phone call should expect results within 5-7 days.

The entire testing process takes less than 15 minutes, but it provides vital information, and it will let you know if you are positive or negative for the Covid-19 Coronavirus. Remember, testing is FREE and voluntary, but necessary to protect our friends and loved ones from the virus. My results were negative, as were three other DCP Associates that shared their experiences.


Detroit Chassis is working to keep you safe from Covid-19 Coronavirus while at work. Several measures have been implemented for your protection, including additional PPE, cleaning stations, social distancing as much as possible, and Level 3 PPE where necessary. It is highly essential to everyone’s safety that everyone wears the right PPE at all times.quired at Level 3 when 6’ can’t be maintained[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”container”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Community Resources

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”container”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]DPS Corona Resource Page – Food pickup sites, academic information, and Corona positive cases through DPS schools
DPS Resource Page

City of Detroit COVID 313 – Resources for families including utility relief, free Wi-fi, housing, and more

Scholly – $200 cash assistance for families with students
SC holly Application Page

Pantry.Net – Food Pantry locator

Forgotten Harvest – Food resources & appointments
Forgotten Harvest Website[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Gleaners Community Food Bank – Food resources & place to donate for those in need
Gleaners Website

Detroit Food Updates – Updates on your favorite restaurants’ hours & operation during COVID – 19
Detroit Food Website

Great Start Wayne – Daily food pantry & warm meal updates for the homeless and those in need
GSW Website

Eater Detroit – List of grocery stores that offer curbside pickup and delivery in Detroit
Eater Detroit

Michigan Bridges – Food delivery or meals for those who are older than 60
Michigan Bridges[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]